Flexible Machining Cells
Aztec’s extensive new line of ‘Double column, turret type, CNC Flex machines’ are changing the way that medium and high volume parts are produced. The unique bank of flex machines each have up to eleven axis allowing many parts that would normally require multi loads to be completed in a single fixturing. Aztec has brought innovation and advanced productivity to the manufacturing plant floor like never before.
Pushing the limits…. These one of a kind advanced machining centers were designed and built for Aztec Manufacturing, incorporate the latest machining technology. New ground had to be pioneered with machine control, tool setting and robotics. The result is high-speed cells that offer flexibility and capabilities not possible with traditional dedicated machining centers.
In this rapid changing world the double column, turret type, CNC flex machine gives Aztec the advantages of reduced changeover time, lower retooling costs and the ability to respond quicker to production capacity requirements. Unlike conventional dial index machines often described by their creators as ‘flex’ which have one or more single spindle CNC stations, the Aztec machines can have twenty-six spindles or more all working from a single turret face. The flexibility with these is not limited to only being able to produce a family of very similar parts.